Tuesday, June 13, 2006


You'll have to forgive this unabashedly shallow post, but while sitting at an undisclosed free WiFi food and drink establishment in West L.A. surrounded by unemployed script writers and served by would-be actor waiters, I've been overcome by the bullshit around me in this city and have had to share the header for the Hollywood Chamber of Commerce website. Look at the guy's goddamn expression! Up close. The fact that someone saw this picture and thought it would make a perfect header for their site is just pure beauty.

Now you may be wondering why I was perusing the Hollywood Chamber of Commerce website. I'll tell you. I want to nominate someone for a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame, and apparently the Chamber of Commerce controls the sidewalk immortalization of so many has-beens. Sadly, I've missed the May deadline for 2007, and I haven't decided who the lucky person should be, and I probably won't tell when I do. But if the person gets chosen, you'll be sure to know. Oh, and feel free to throw your own person into the running with my as yet undecided contestant next year. Full details on nominating procedures here.


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