Saturday, February 17, 2007

possible to be mean to plants??

so, i'm a plant lover. every couple of weeks or so i allow myself a flower or potted plant splurge. right now, it's a purple hyacinth that just started blooming.

the thing about it is, these hyacinths flop in the direction of the sun, and it annoys me that they don't want to stand straight up, so what i do is, i let them flop and then i turn them around and they flop in the other direction back towards the sun. it's like i'm teasing the plant, making it work really hard when all it wants is the basic nutrients to which, as a plant being, it is entitled. i mean, it didn't ask to be born, did it? does it really need to be harassed by me? on the other hand, it might completely fall over if i didn't discipline it to distribute its weight on all sides of the stem. on the other hand, is my making it work so hard decreasing its life expectancy? on the other hand, it only stands straight up for a few moments on its journey to the opposite flop. so am i really getting anything out of this wicked game?

there's another plant that hangs from the ceiling above the heater in the living room, and i swear to god it kind of curls away from the repressive heat that radiates up toward it. these two things are only examples of being physically mean to plants, and research has been conducted into whether plants experience fear, akin to the fear animals feel when their lives are in physical danger. but some people even think it's possible that plants sense emotional meanness/kindness. i don't really think that's true, but then again, i do kind of believe that there are lots of dimensions we can't perceive in the universe. like, totally crazy, alternate versions of reality, man. and it is altogether plausible that plant feelings exist in one of these. so, the point is, ya know, watch yourself, because plants could be watching you.


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