Sunday, August 27, 2006

harper's sucks

why it always hafta harsh my mellow?

as eric said, i really shouldn't be allowed to read 90% of the stuff that i do, but somehow those sneaky little articles find their way into my hands and brain.
the most recent cause for distress is from the August 06 issue, entitled "Imagine There's No Oil: Scenes from a Liberal Apocalypse." it's about the Peak Oil movement, a group of people who believe oil production either has peaked or will within the next 5 years and that the world as we know it will completely disintegrate. the change will bring with it anarchy, fascism, extreme violence, not to mention of course no air conditioning, no cars, no factories producing things like wool, plastic, meat, soap, (maybe even no internet?). mankind, they hold, will survive (if at all) in agrarian villages. to prepare, the Peak Oilers are turning their savings into gold, learning agrarian skills like butchering and making real plans to move to self sustaining villages that they can live in while disaster rages around them.

oy oy oy. don't like hearing it? me either! damn you, harper's! as if we don't already have enough to worry about with the growing spectre of islamic fundamentalist terrorist lunacy! and global warming. and genocide and cancer!

yet for all the worrying it's obvious that i, and probably anyone reading this, are still in the midst of the party. the only real problem we have is the nagging sense that any day now it could all come crashing down. this is the purpose terrorism serves, at least in my life: letting me know that the foundations in the world i used to see as unshakable are tenuous at best, and decreasing my quality of life the slightest bit to put me more on par with the reality of suffering that's going on out there. is too much to ask to just be happy and calm and unworried and just...alive? the answer, of course, is yes, it is too much to ask. there's so much shit, so much shit out there. if we aren't in the midst of it, and we're somehow managing to hold on to our decadently indulgent lifestyles over here in the cradle of the west, dammit if we're not going to be stressed out.

i realize, though, that stress is useless unless it propels one to action. so maybe we should be looking into investing in gold or making plans for agrarian village living, or moving our families the hell out of america to new zealand or some place. if we're not going to do that, then we (and by we i mean i) should just shut the hell up and go to brunch.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

there, there.

9:31 AM  

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